Down along the Illinois River just north of the the small town of Meredosia is the last National Wildlife Refuge I visited on this Blue Goose Adventure which was fitting as the first one way back in early June was Chautuaqua NWR which is a sister refuge. (The third refuge in this Illinois River Complex is Emiquon; I opted out on that one.)
Meredosia comes from the French marais d'osier or willow swamp (Wikipedia).
Meredosia NWR - IL |
As I drove into town from the east, I could see the tall arched bridge over the river at the west edge of town. The day was dreary which undoubtedly colored my impression of the town. I finally found a small parking lot with a refuge information kiosk after making a few wrong turns, driving past modest homes and trailers, past a woman standing on the side of the road holding the reins of three miniature horses, past several roaming dogs and four Wild Turkeys rummaging in a vacant lot.
Meredosia NWR - Illinois River - IL |
I started down a trail leading to the river but had to maneuver around a huge dead tree that had fallen and was blocking the path. I could sense the advent of spring here in this riparian habitat. Birds were actively moving in the trees and brush. There was a boardwalk built out above the river which is always a good viewing option. Not much was happening on the water though...except for coots and a few Canada geese.
As a refuge, Meredosia is still acquiring land along the river. Its primary objective is to manage the floodplain for wildlife. From their web site: "We attempt to mitigate the human-induced changes to the flood cycle in order to promote biological diversity, stability, and resilience in an altered system."
I continued down the refuge road which was nearly level with the river in some spots. A small white dog appeared out of the brush and ran after my car for a long time, The river was wide here with ducks in the distance. I turned around at the refuge boundary and went back into the town of Meredosia. The little dog chased me again.
It had started to rain, and by the time I got to Springfield, it was pouring. I drove around in busy traffic before finding the motel where I had made a reservation. I ate a complete Thanksgiving dinner at a Cracker Barrel next to the parking lot: roasted turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans and cranberry sauce. And then I worked to pay for the motel.
Cabin IN the town of Meredosia, IL |
The final chapter of your BGA! What a year (minus 2 months) it has been. I'm very proud of you sissie! It seems almost like yesterday that you began this quest of yours. It has been great fun following you through the amazing USA! Love you much.