Thursday, March 26, 2015

Blue Goose ~ Day 294

March 17, 2015 ~ Pella, IA to Iowa City, IA

I went back to the Smokey Row coffeehouse after checking out of the motel and sat with the locals for a couple of hours, working and eating a "breakfast casserole." Tasty, cheesy and caloric but with lots of protein.

The rest of the day was spent driving to Iowa City in the sunshine through the countryside, past prosperous farms with resting fields and impressive large square 3-story white farmhouses in the distance.  The land rolls gently in Iowa and is seldom flat like west Texas and Oklahoma. There are proper neat and orderly small towns intermittently along the main roads.

I had one more "light geese" stop, on a body of water close to the road.  I was able to turn on a gravel side road and get closer. This is such a stunning spring spectacle.

I got to Coralville which is contiguous on the west with Iowa City and spent the night, eating at the next door Azul Cafe where I a wonderful shrimp dinner with an abundance of ajo which name brings back memories of Ajo, AZ, the little town on the edge of Cabeza Prieta NWR. I have eaten more Mexican food than any other cuisine on this trip and this was one of the best.

(Ajo is garlic in Spanish)
Geese (Snow and Greater White-fronted) in Iowa 


  1. You were in Iowa City on Day 143 of your BGA. Did you know that? You've come a long way, baby!

  2. I did know that...and YES, I have come a long way..
