Saturday, March 10, 2012

On the Road: Susanville, California to Eugene, Oregon

It was now Wednesday and I missed arriving in Eugene to help celebrate Andree's 40th birthday party which was the day before. I had talked with Steve while driving through Sedona and thought briefly about trying to get there in time, but it was 1200 miles and they were going to a winery at 2 p.m. on Tuesday. No way could I make that.

It was sunny again, and I drove through a McDonald's for coffee but it was actually a Taco Bell (I THOUGHT I was at a McDonalds but obviously wasn't paying attention) so I ordered coffee there and then somehow it was also a Cinnabon place and I ordered four mini fried sugar-coated doughnut things with a vague lemony cream filling which, of course, were delicious. But as I was driving out I spotted an adjacent Starbucks so poured out my Taco Bell/Cinnabon drink and got Starbucks coffee.

The first 20 miles north of Susanville were very birdy: a pond with many assorted ducks, a large flock of Snow Geese, Western Meadowlarks, and a running-over-the-ground flock of California Quail. These are one of the quail species with that adorable little curved topknot feather on the top of their heads. They are about pigeon-sized and were hanging out near a farm field, frantically running here and there in a pack.

Maria, I thought of Debbie as I was headed mostly northwest and skirting Mt. Shasta with more majestic landscape and still some snow, Ponderosa pines and, every so often, a flash of blue as a Western Bluebird flew across the road. So the colors were: green, white, blue (sky and bird) and all the muted earthy colors of browns, reds, greys and yellows.

I was approaching the border between Oregon and California when I realized I was driving through the Modoc NWR and immediately there were eagles and hawks and cranes and ducks. I stopped and watched several Northern Harriers flying low over the marshes with their signature white rump patch, and then saw a larger bird, circling and soaring just to my right. I got very good looks and nothing was ringing a bell, so I went to the field guide, and it was a classic juvenile Golden Eagle with the white patches in the dark wings and dark terminal band on the still white tail....definitely another unforgettable moment of this trip. And, perched on irrigators on the other side of the road were at least six more eagles. The highway wasn't exactly the place for a spotting scope so I went on without positively identifying them as Balds or Goldens but I think both were present. A single Sandhill Crane flew right across the road in front of my car and a large flock of Snow Geese were in the fields. One more time.... these national / state refuges draw me in and are the true rest stops on a long trip.

After leaving Klamath Falls (where Steve and Andree lived for 2 years after his residency) I drove north until I could head to Eugene over the Cascades. It was still sunny with blue skies. The firs, cedars, pines and hemlocks in Oregon are three times the height of comparable Michigan evergreens and, as there was still quite a bit of snow at higher elevations, it was (what adjective haven't I used??) one more very lovely drive. The air was fragrant and cool, but the sun so strong that the snow-melt on the road was steaming. I followed a huge hay-hauling truck down the mountain at 20 mph as there were still some icy spots, and the road was all down hill with hairpin curves for miles.

I got totally lost in Eugene, as the very first iPhone direction was a non-existent exit but after repeatedly pulling off and again consulting my iPhone from my "current location" and with some memories of a previous visit, I finally found the SODAs, relieved to not have to drive for several days.

I love their home and will write and send photos soon...

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