Saturday, November 3, 2012

Book: Contents May Have Shifted by Pam Houston

Pam Houston does get around. This is book of 130 vignettes from many of the places she has visited. It's a bit like Eat, Love and Pray but more like Drink, Love and Do New-Agey Stuff. This book was fun to read but really just one more book full of self and searching. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but, yeah, so what else is new. Isn't the trick to make a story universal without the self absorption?

Totally random quotes:
"At the store in Tozeur we haggled over the price in four languages, and Rick finally said, in Spanish, "Amigo, from my heart, I have to make a bargain with you or my woman will think I don't have any balls," and that is when the guy almost started to like him."

"At four that morning in Boulder, my cell phone had splashed into the toilet while I was drying my hair, but I didn't really roast it until I tired to turn it on before it was all the way dry.....I sent an email to Fenton the human that said I was pretty sure Rick had broken up with me for good this time, but by the time I got to Oregon I told Nora that I knew Rick was difficult but I was too, and you could talk all day, psychology up one side an pheromones down the other, but there was nobody alive who could help who they loved."

"At first light I brave the blizzard and head for the barn and they they are, all wild-eyed and fuzzed up against the wind, giant icicles hanging from the manes and tales [not a typo] and tiny ones from their eyelashes. I dig out the barn door and double up on the hay, giving them some grain too, the low-carb kind on account of Deseo's diabetic condition make sure Roany hasn't (as he often does) plucked the defroster out of the horse trough with her teeth. "

I almost didn't finish this book after I started but pushed through and it was good enough, what with the  travelogue tales and her way with words. She is a tough cowgirl, a river runner, a mountain climber and a professor with an interesting life. Plus, I like reading about people who live on ranches in Colorado.

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